
"To love beauty is to see light"

Victor Hugo

Dow Studios

‘Dow’ is the Arabic word for light. Dow Photography was founded in Qatar in 2011 by Jaber AlAzmeh and Amine AlKhatib.
Jaber is our Photography Director, and an established artist; a master of light and lens, ever striving to deliver imagery beyond set expectations.
And Amine is our commercial Director, bringing in years of business experience and production capabilities.
Along with the passion and spirit of our team of talented professionals and collaborators, Dow photography has become what it is one of the premier destination for photography and filming in Qatar.
We are a film and photography studio that is not only offering exceptional imagery but we are very proud of our creativity and creative solutions
Working closely with art directors, advertising agencies or directly with the brands, making sure we deliver original inspiring solutions for our clients advertising campaigns and marketing content

Meet The Team

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Photography Director

Jaber AlAzmeh

Combining heritage and contemporary!
Meet Jaber alAzmeh a passionate veteran photographer and a seasoned artist, His work has been acquired by museums and art collectors, with many solo and group exhibitions under his belt, Our photography director will be the artist insuring every single image produced by dow is worthy of a thousand words
Commercial Director

Amine Al Khatib

Amine is an engineer and a serlal entrepreneur, With wide experience and knowledge of the business requirements and unmatched affection to precision and details, Amine will interpret your requirements into a production project that meets your budget and deadlines.
He is notoriously known for committing to his plans at all costs.
whatever your requirements are, go ahead and throw it at amine cause there’s nothing he can’t deal with.
Photographer & Content Creator

Glen Furtado

His passion for photography is something you can not miss once he lays an eye in a lens!
Video Editor

Stinu Kurian

Stinu doesn’t like to be called a video editor… He prefers “the editing department”
Photo- & Videographer

Qasem Mhires

When we think of Kasem, we start getting images of Robin saving Batman’s day or jean Passpartout guiding Phileas Fogg through India. Having trained and worked with our team for over y years, Kasem is a reliable and invaluable asset to our work. His knowledge of lighting techniques and deep understanding of various photography styles adds a lot to our work and contributes to our uniqueness.

Kasem is also the fastest shatter in the west when it comes to events photography,

Production Manager

Mohammad AlKasem

Meet Mohamad AlKasem, our production manager. Jack and master of all trades.

Erwin Peters



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